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Dreama launches new accommodation,

دريمة يدشن مبنى الإيواء الجديد

“Dreama” Center Launches New Accommodation, Consisting of Modern Facilities Capable of Availing Privacy, Luxury and Security The Orphan Care Center “Dreama” recently inaugurated the Center’s new accommodation at Al-Kheesa area. The building is completely separated from the administrative building, with the purpose of availing further privacy, stability and securing a family-like atmosphere. The inauguration took place in the presence of Ms. Amal bint Abdullatif Al-Mannai, the Chief Executive Officer of Qatar Foundation for Social Work, and Ms. Mariam bint Ali bin Nasser Al-Misnad, the Executive Manager of the Orphan Care Center “Dreama” along with the Executive Managers of the other sisterly centers, in addition to representatives of supporting companies, including Mr. Ali Al-Fadala, the Senior Vice President and Executive Manager of Qatar Insurance Group, Mr. AMAL ALKUWARI of Qatar Chemicals Marketing and Distribution “Muntajat” and Mr. Abdullah Al Sayed, the Executive Manager & Board Member of Planet Medical Center. The new accommodation includes buildings for boys and girls, a villa for children, a villa for academic guidance and educational services, activity building, a recreation building, a restaurant and the administrative building. Moreover, some areas are assigned for practicing sports and other various games for children in an appropriate and pleasant environment for living. In a statement on this occasion her Excellency Amal bint Abdullatif Al Mannai, CEO of Qatar Foundation for Social Works added “The inauguration of this accommodation comes within the context of our quest for the realization of the Foundation’s vision toward supporting the civil societies’ organizations operating under the Foundation’s umbrella”. She further confirmed the Foundation’s concern for developing and supporting such affiliating social firms to practice their role in serving the target segment of the society. This new accommodation will help achieving the moral, social, educational, and health care to Dreama Center community, in addition to securing their privacy and psychological stability, she said. Her Excellency concluded by saying that: “The inauguration of this new building of “Dreama” Orphan Care Center really reflects our concern for applying the global standards of human and child rights, on top of which comes the provision of the best services that oriented to realizing family cohesion in the State of Qatar”. Madam Mariam bint Ali Bin Nasser al-Mesnad, Executive Director of the Orphan Care Center, “Dreama” said…. State of Qatar, as you know dear brothers and sisters, has gone during a relatively short period a long way ahead towards applying and embodying all the international standards relevant to observing and protecting human rights, a move that set Qatar as a unique example worth of being followed worldwide in terms of availing human progress and developmental needs and requirements. This is obviously noted when it comes to generally viewing the current lawful situation, which is witnessing a breakthroughs in the fields of human, social, socio-economic and cultural development, with the aim of stabilizing basis of democratic order, and the State of rights and equity , maintained by the sovereignty of law, observance of human and child rights, and empowering woman, under the rational leadership of His Highness the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, His Highness the Father, and Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser Al-Misnad, May God keep them to live long. Such trend is clearly interpreted through a detailed developmental strategy duly adherent to perfect planning and sound preparation for the transitional objectives as set forth in Qatar National Vision for the year 2030. It’s worth proudly mentioning here, that the Social Work Organization, with “Dreama” Orphan Care Center operating under its umbrella, has exemplified the most noted national and lawful achievements in the light of the comprehensive services they provide to the orphans, and to those who are losing family support, and the like, this is apparently noted by the regional and international level with respect to enriching means of cooperation and coordination through creating constructive and applicable methods which are characterized by flexibility and staging, as well as responsive to the present and frequently changing challenges. Moreover, we also cite our participation in the regional and international occasions, and the rich participations oriented to acquiring and exchanging experience in the field of protecting and preserving the rights of orphans. Dear Audience, Within the spirit of responsibility and nice wording, I am glad and honored to express, on behalf of myself and on behalf of my colleagues at Dreama Orphanage Center, to the Respectful Madam Amal bint Abdullatif Al-Mannai, our sincere and profound appreciation and gratitude for the generous welfare and unlimited support she offers to the Center and its projects, a thing that has a vital impact on achieving the Center’s objectives and goals. We also seize the opportunity to express our thanks and appreciation to the other supporting entities for their support to the Center and its employees. Undoubtedly, all of you have contributed to the development and progress of an ambient semi-residential environment that helps provision of the best comprehensive accommodation welfare for our children who are residing in the internal care unit. Really, your role and efforts are enormous and worthy of appreciation and regarded. In conclusion, I further express my thanks and appreciation to the members of board of directors of the Qatari Social Works Organization for the help and services they rendered to the Center in the field of comprehensive care to our children as well as for their endeavors towards developing the Center all through the past years. Please allow me to warmly welcome all those who honored us in this occasion by their attendance today, and for their contribution in some sort to our success. Finally, and as there is no end for success & ambition, and from this platform, I seek the help of Almighty God to bless our endeavors and guide our steps for realizing further success, hoping that you always remain at our side, offering your continuous cooperation and communication with the Center, to help accomplishing its great and noble objectives. Mr. Ali Al Fadala, Senior Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of Qatar Insurance Group expressed his satisfaction for the company's keenness towards providing continuous support to the community efforts. “Qatar Insurance also confirms that it has a long-term commitment to act as a reliable and ethical partner with the community, playing a vital role for realizing the sustainability of the social network” he said. “Qatar Insurance Company has been keen in cooperating with Dreama Center which provides the necessary care for the targeted groups in Qatar, with the purpose of creating stability and integration within the society. Such care is rendered through the provision of support for access to educational, health, psychological and legal demands and requirements. Al Fadala concluded by saying that “we feel proud for being part of this congregation, and that the support to Dreama came to prove the strong partnership relation between mega companies and social institutions, as we in Qatar Insurance care for inception for the social depth in our work. We understand the role to be played by national level companies in developing the society to which they belong. We are fairly confident that such cooperation with Dreama Center shall contribute to creating equal opportunities for individuals, noting that Dreama is the pioneer orphanage Center in Qatar. Madam Amal Ajlan Al Kuwari, Public Relations and Communications Manager at “Muntajat”, Qatar Petrochemicals Marketing and Distribution Company, expressed her satisfaction for supporting the welfare of children within the Qatari society, through cooperation with Dreama Center, and for the provision of various games in the new accommodation and accordingly emphasizing commitment of the company towards the community, and the importance of building relationships with local institutions that contribute to the achievement of social solidarity. "Muntajat” is proud of such cooperation, and we believe that the contribution, physical support and cooperation with Dreama Center should not be viewed as a voluntary act rather than an obligation of intimacy to the homeland, to secure a better future for the coming generations Mr. Abdulla al Sayed, Executive Director and Member of the Board of Directors at "Planet Health Center", thanked all those who contributed to completion and equipping the new building. He also hailed Dreama active role in the community, serving the orphans cause in the State of Qatar, He urged all to contribute and foster partnership and continuity of cooperation in charitable work and community service. Planet Medical Center contributed by equipping Dreama psychiatric clinic, in strict compliance with the requirements and conditions of the Ministry of Health, and the best standards of health quality. The inauguration ceremony included welcome speeches beside the distribution of certificates of appreciation and shields for the sponsors, together with a tour of the new accommodation. It is to be noted that the Dreama Orphan Center is a pioneer orphan care center for integrating them in the society. The Center provides care for the target groups, work for their stability within alternative fostering families, and for their integration within the society in general. The Center is committed to the values of responsibility, privacy, equality and participation during the provision of services. Dreama is operating under the umbrella of Qatar Foundation for Social Work.