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Dreama opens new accommodation ensuring privacy, luxury and security

Dreama opens new accommodation ensuring privacy, luxury and security.jpg

The Orphan Care Center ‘Dreama’ recently inaugurated the centre’s new accommodation in Al Khisa area.
The building is separated from the administrative buildings to provide further privacy and ensure a family-like atmosphere.
Amal bint Abdullatif al Manai, chief executive officer of Qatar Foundation for Social Work, and Mariam bint Ali bin Nasser, executive manager of Dreama, were present at the inauguration ceremony, along with representatives of supporting companies, including Ali al Fudhalah, senior vice-president and executive manager of Qatar Insurance Group, Amal Ajlan al Kuwari, manager of Public Relations and Communications at ‘Muntajat’, and Abdullah al Sayed, executive manager and board member of Planet Medical Center.
The new accommodation includes buildings for boys and girls, a villa for children, a villa for academic guidance and educational services, activity building, a recreation building, a restaurant and the administrative building. Moreover, some areas are assigned for practising sports for children in a pleasant environment.
Amal bint Abdullatif al Mannai said, “The inauguration of this accommodation comes as part of Qatar Foundation’s vision towards supporting the civil society organisations operating under its umbrella.” This new accommodation will ensure the moral, social, educational and healthcare support for Dreama Center community, while securing their privacy and psychological stability, she said.
Mariam bint Ali bin Nasser al Mesnad said, “The State of Qatar has gone a long way, in a relatively shorter period, towards applying international standards to protecting human rights. It’s worth proudly mentioning here that Dreama centre has exemplified the national achievements by providing comprehensive care for the orphans, in line with Qatar National Vision 2030. Moreover, we have also participated in several regional and international events for exchange of experience in the field of protecting and preserving the rights of orphans.”