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A Development Partnership Aimed at Sports Empowerment between the Dreama Center and Hungary

ص دريمة والسفارة المجرية 1

Maryam Al-Misnad: We look forward to launching a new phase for the center that will be more open to the international community and humanitarian organizations. Barnbach, Hungarian Ambassador to Doha: Our relationship with Qatar is witnessing continuous progress and we look forward to strengthening cooperation with Qatari development institutions. Garage Mourani: We presented the “Tech Ball” table for Dreama children in order to enhance The human values that the game carries. In light of the expansion of the Dreama Center for the Care and Empowerment of Orphans and its network of international relations, Mrs. Maryam bint Ali bin Nasser Al-Misnad, Executive Director of the Center, received an invitation to attend the annual celebration of Hungary’s National Day, after she was chosen by the Hungarian Embassy in Doha in cooperation with the Ministry Hungarian Foreign and Trade and Tech Ball as a new development partner. The Hungarian embassy in Doha presented the Tek Ball table, which is an authentic Hungarian sport that carries humanitarian meanings related to human equality, empowering the less fortunate groups, and integrating them into society. The timing of the announcement of the partnership between Hungary and the Dreama Center was chosen based on the launch of a new phase of cooperation and joint development between Qatari civil society institutions and Hungary, in order to deepen the paths of common human and cultural development between the two societies. Mrs. Maryam bint Ali bin Nasser Al-Misnad received the donation in the presence and honor of His Excellency Dr. Mohammed bin Abdul Wahed Al Hammadi, Minister of Education and Higher Education, His Excellency Mr. Sultan bin Rashid Al Khater, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and His Excellency Dr. Khalid bin Ibrahim Al Sulaiti, Director General of the Katara Cultural Village Foundation. And a number of ambassadors of brotherly and friendly countries of the State of Qatar and representatives of diplomatic missions in Doha, in addition to representatives from the Projects and Legacy Committee. In the same context, Mrs. Maryam bint Ali Al-Misnad expressed her overwhelming happiness following the joint cooperation with Hungary, explaining her aspirations to launch a new phase for the center that will be more open. On the international community and humanitarian and development organizations. She indicated her desire to integrate abandoned children and orphans into society, and to empower them cognitively, culturally, and athletically, through local and international coordination, such as the development partnership concluded with Hungary. Al-Misnad, Executive Director of the Dreama Center, also noted the importance of introducing the issue of abandoned children and discussing it at the international and local levels. In order to create an effective legal force and political will to advance the field of children’s rights. Al-Misnad said: I am pleased to see the large gathering of diplomatic figures today who have agreed on one humanitarian goal, which is to advocate for the rights of orphaned children. Humanitarian issues always require concerted international and local efforts in order to improve people’s living conditions. For his part, His Excellency Ambassador Barnbach Fodor, Ambassador of Hungary to Doha, stressed his country’s desire for constructive cooperation with Qatari civil society institutions, including the Dreama Center for the Care and Empowerment of Orphans, in the interest of the two friendly countries to create a development bridge that crosses all pressing humanitarian issues. His Excellency explained the importance of the donation made by Hungary because the game represents a set of noble human values and cherished development ideals, which are almost completely consistent with the goals adopted by the Dreama Center, including achieving human equality, social justice and rejecting all forms of discrimination. Mr. Garaj Mourani, the official in charge of diplomatic relations, said that we have reached an almost complete agreement with the Dreama Center to achieve integration and sports empowerment for the orphan group, considering that sports are a major tool for promoting peace between peoples, and an important bridge of communication between countries. He added that we are watching with interest the pioneering work carried out by Mrs. Maryam Al-Misnad, Executive Director of the Dreama Center, against the backdrop of her pivotal role in promoting the values of equality, inclusion and empowerment. We also look forward to achieving the highest levels of sports, social and humanitarian coordination between Dreama and the heads of diplomatic missions in Qatar, for the benefit of the children.